

 Adjusting to a new life | So familiar yet so foreign It has been a week since I arrived in London after an eighteen months break. Time sure does pass by quickly. So many life changing things have happened within the span of one and a half year, they almost feel unreal. For the past one and a half year, I have remained quite stagnant. There was no significant personal development I made, I was mainly just lazing around with the thought - I will kick the restart button when I am back in London, I will set goals and become a better version of myself . And here I am, restarting my subpar writing quest.  I am definitely not great at writing but I am worse at speaking. Over the years, writing became a stress relieving outlet for me to pent out sad, angry, sometimes happy thoughts. Mostly sad and angry unfortunately due to my negative nature. Perhaps, it's time to change for the better, or not. Today, I am in the mood to recount about what happened in the past eighteen months to reorient